防疫日常 | Epidemic prevention daily / Silicone Food Bag - 矽膠食物袋

Silicone Food Bag - 矽膠食物袋
Silicone Food Bag - 矽膠食物袋
Silicone Food Bag - 矽膠食物袋
Silicone Food Bag - 矽膠食物袋
Silicone Food Bag - 矽膠食物袋
Silicone Food Bag - 矽膠食物袋
矽膠材質,密封塑膠條封口,湯湯水水不外漏 , 收納簡易好攜帶,包內不占空間。四種尺寸 ,四種顏色 (紅、白、綠、藍 ), 客製印刷。

About Company


The DYC crew will always use the most sincere attitude, passion and determination to bring to the client the best quality.
